Zines and Editions


This is the studio’s online catalog for ordering our ‘zines and other editions. Please note, the Paypal links are set up for single purchases + domestic shipping. Feel free to email the studio (studio@vincentcomo.com) about purchasing/shipping multiple items in single shipments, international shipping, or for any other queries.

Occulting Modernity

Occulting Modernity:   $15 + s/hbuynowReleased in 2014.

15 pages, plus 1 box of 12 black crayons.

Ritual Negation

Ritual | Negation:         $10 + s/h

buynowReleased in 2015.

40 pages, bound carbon paper.

The Book of Future

The Book of Future:      $10 + s/h

buynowReleased in 2015.

A single-paged Illuminated Manuscript.


2012, 22 x 30 inches.

3 color silkscreen done in collaboration with Kayrock Screenprinting. edition of 20, $350 each.